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Regional Career Center at CHS

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Criminal Justice

The Criminal Justice program is an exciting career pathway for students who want to explore careers in law enforcement, legal studies, and government agencies. The curriculum for this course aligns with Roger Williams University's criminal justice courses and provides students with an overview of the criminal justice system from the perspective of multiple agencies.  Additionally, students will become immersed in crime scene investigation as they learn to collect, record, and process evidence from a crime scene.  Each course builds upon previous content and skills.  In year 3, students will take a deep dive into law and society and explore important societal topics such as stereotyping, bias, profiling, and discrimination to examine laws' effects on society.   Students will engage in case studies, experiments, simulations, and video analysis.   As students apply their knowledge through collaborative projects and simulated exercises they will keep a portfolio of their work.  In Criminal Justice 3 & 4, students will complete a research project of choice that will be presented to a faculty panel from Roger Williams University.    Students can earn up to 6 college credits for this requirement.   

Senior students may participate in an internship. 

Students are eligible to participate in SkillsUSA competitions. 1n 2020,  Criminal Justice had a RI gold medal winner and a Silver medal National winner. 


  • National Incident Management System Certification (NIMS)
  • CPR/First Aid American Heart Association
  • Roger Williams College Credit
  • National Occupational Competency Test Certificate (NOCTI)

Course Sequence


Criminal Justice


Industry Partner:  Coventry Police Department and RI Course System

Work-Based Learning:  Industry Project/Mentor & Internship

Post Secondary Partner:  Roger Williams University

Career & Technical Student Organization:  SkillsUSA

Apply for Criminal Justice